Preparing for Junior Milestones? No fear – juniors!

Well hopefully this helped, but don’t re-read it over and over again!

International Student Induction Day 2024: New Beginnings

Wow new students! Not just from anywhere… but from all over the world!

Year 9 Camp 2024

A look into what the Year 9 cohort did during their week away from school

Love Is In The Air (And In Our Ears)

Just a slightly belated appreciation post…

Valentine’s Day: The Cause Behind Our Roses

 A deeper look into the Valentine’s Day traditions at Macleans.

Why You Should Join a Music Group (Source: Trust Me)

0:33 of ‘All Star’ (Smash Mouth)

Athletics Day 2024

Here’s a sneak peek at the preliminary results for 2024.

A Look Into International Prefect Training

Who assists the international student community at Macleans?

Get Yourself Into An Extracurricular. Seriously.

Well to be fair, they’re quite fun.

The Pros and Cons of Playing Sports

Sport has become an integral part of our everyday lives.