Building an Extracurricular Profile Suited to You

With hundreds of activities available at Macleans College, where do you start?

Eisteddfod 2024 – A Musical Spectacle

A truly phenomenal performance.

What it Takes to Win.

(A lot of hard work!)

To Ski or to Snowboard?

Our take on an all-time debate.

A Film Fanatic’s Favourite: the 48 Hours Challenge

A small taste of comedy, tragedy and everything in between.

Vibrant Atmosphere at Another Successful Bake Sale for Interact

Macleans students raise money through baked goods to fundraise for those suffering from Cystic Fibrosis

Talent Quest Prelims 2024: Day 2

Talent Quest makes an exciting return for Day Two!

Talent Quest Prelims 2024: Day 1

Students shine at the Talent Quest Prelims with their outstanding performances.

ShowQuest 2024 – Hard Work and Dedication

A phenomenal performance.

Celebrating Rangatahi: Youth Week at Macleans College

Youth Week Takes Place at Macleans College