Macleans Gala 2024: A Vibrant Harmony

Another amazing performance.

Origins of the Olympic Games

Fun Fact: The unlit Olympic torch has been taken to space several times!

Shaving for a Cause: Raising Funds for Leukaemia & Blood Cancer NZ

Macleans College students rally together for a heartfelt Shave for a Cure event, raising over $12,000.

Should high school students participate in combat sports?

Exploring the benefits and drawbacks of combat sports.

Humans of Macleans: Zoey Milne

Zoey provides insight about what Macleans means to her (:

Are AP Exams Worth Taking?

A new foe has appeared! Challenger approaching.

Another Absolutely Legendary BATMAN Carnival

Batten and Mansfield join together to raise funds for their respective charities.