
We are the Macleans College News Committee, a student-run group that is focused on showcasing all that our school has to offer. With our ever-growing team of photographers, videographers, video editors, graphic designers, and writers, we are sure you’ll stay on top of school life, no matter which forms of media.

Our head executives are Joseph Zhang and Aaron Huang. Our web operator is Nathan Rao.

The writers featured on this website include:

  • Aaron Huang
  • Emma Li
  • Chiron Yung

The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of the student authors’, not Macleans College. Queries should be directed to the editors of the News Committee, who can be found at the end of each article.

A message from the Head Writer for 2024

I am thrilled to welcome you onto our website and share the exciting content we have to offer this year. It is an absolute honour to be able to serve as the Head Writer for 2024, and I am deeply thankful to the 2023 Writing Department for helping me shape my writing into what it is today, as well as my seniors who have mentored me, allowing me to transition into this role.

The Macleans College News Committee has worked tirelessly in 2023 to bring you the latest news, thought-provoking articles, as well as engaging stories on a wide array of topics, and we hope to do the same for 2024. 

Our website is a commitment to the goal of bringing authentic student culture at Macleans to the wider community. With the Writing Department set to expand in 2024, I hope to be able to continue staying true to this goal; providing readers with a diverse and comprehensive view of what is happening at Macleans, from news articles to opinion pieces.

Moreover, we understand that journalism can be fun, entertaining, and even uplifting. That’s why we’re dedicated to bringing you not just the news surrounding Macleans, but also the lighter side of life. From heartwarming ‘Humans of Macleans’ stories to lifestyle articles within each writer’s respective niches, we hope to make you smile too.

So whether you’re a regular reader, or just stumbling upon our website for the first time, I invite you to join us on this year’s journey.

Thank you, readers, for your support, and I look forward to sharing our stories with you.

Ngā mihi nui,
Aaron Huang

Requesting a Service

Aside from event coverage via writing on this website, we are open to serving you with our various departments using other forms. From photography, videography, graphic design, and advertising, please get in touch with us if any of our services interest you for your upcoming event.

No matter how small, we believe that all student events matter.

To request our service, please fill out this form.

General Contact

To contact us for general inquiries or concerns, please email us or get in touch with us via our social media and emails below.

Main address: news.committee@macleans.school.nz
Joseph Zhang: 21368@student.macleans.school.nz
Emma Li: 23055@student.macleans.school.nz