The race to invest and accumulate wealth has been a hotly contested battle for years at Macleans College. And with another year, comes yet another MarketWatch Competition, hosted by the Macleans Investment Club starting on April 6th.

The MarketWatch Competition is a challenging and exciting two-term long event, where participants of the competition are tasked with the overarching goal to achieve the highest return on investment in the given time frame while managing the level of risk taken on investments, and ensuring the use of quality investment strategies. Participants are placed in a virtual simulation, working with a $100 000 budget to invest in a variety of stocks, bonds, and REITs offered by the investment platform. Through the competition, students are able to showcase their financial prowess and compete against their peers in a high-stakes environment.

For those who have a passion in investing and a burning desire to prove their skills, the MarketWatch Competition is an excellent environment for students to showcase their investing prowess, competing against their peers in a high-stakes environment involving monetary prizes.

This year’s prizes are as follows:

  • $100NZD for 1st place
  • $30NZD for 2nd place
  • $20NZD for 3rd place
  • $20NZD for the overall best portfolio

Good luck to all the participants!

April 18th, 2023
Aaron Huang

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