The 30th of August marked Amnesty International Day. The Amnesty International group here at Macleans College organised various activities inside and outside Kupe House to advocate and spread awareness of various human rights issues in the world.

There were tables with boards where students could talk to Amnesty group members about the issues they researched on. Activities, challenges, and some even had prizes.

Yellow ribbon pins were available for a donation starting from $2 depending on the design. You could choose between a plain yellow ribbon or a yellow ribbon with a daisy. All proceeds went to a good cause.

Students could also write positive messages outside on the concrete with chalk. Many wrote heartwarming messages for their peers.

Around the venue, students could take photos with different photo frames, highlighting one specific human rights issue around the world such as the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan.

Many signs had #raisehervoice. It is the 2023 Freedom Challenge set by the official Amnesty International that aims to spread awareness about the continuing loss of women’s right to freedom of expression in Afghanistan.

Thank you to the Amnesty executives of the school who organised this event. Your advocacy and activism have an impact on the world.

September 6th, 2023
Written by Clarissa Oblefias and Emma Li, edited by Aaron Huang
Photography by Emma Li and Serena Jiang

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