Mr Cardy is an English teacher in Hillary House. He teaches several year levels in English, including Cambridge English Literature, the Macleans Certificate English Advanced program, and junior English.

When asked about the following questions below, these were Mr Cardy’s responses

Q: Why did you go into teaching?

I departed from a more individualistic path, following a realisation that time is our more precious (thus scarce) resource. This led to the conviction that the use of my time would be best spent improving what I saw around me, rather than turning it towards individually-oriented success. The profession of teaching was a calling that allowed me to utilise the time and energy I have left to work towards this.

Q: What made you choose English as the subject you teach?

Honestly, I chose English as it allowed me to choose the school I wanted to teach at. You were probably expecting an answer about being passionate and loving the subject - which I am, and I do. I also think that reading, writing and speaking are critical skills for success in life. But being able to select the school where I could make the greatest impact was an even greater factor for me.

Q: How would you describe your teaching methodology?

There’s a well-worn adage in teaching, “[students] don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” I care a lot about my students. But knowing much is also part of this caring. If I don’t know the substance of my lessons in intricate detail, then it’s tenuous to suggest that I could effectively teach it to others. I’d like to believe that my teaching method sits on a growing foundation of knowledge and aptitude in my subject area, delivered successfully through seeking to understand and care for my students.

Q: What has been your favourite memory at Macleans?

Whilst I have many, it’s the memories that past students of mine have shared that I cherish most. These have most often been gifted to me in the form of a letter, a poem, or even a photo album chronicling my horrendous parking on Priestley Drive. These adorn my work spaces and I value them greatly. 

I think it’s fair to say that gestures of appreciation and compliments are often the most cherished currency teachers are afforded. Unlike, say, a builder or the doctor, we do not see the visible legacy of the work that we toil over. We are privileged with only figments that suggest the results of our efforts. I believe that’s why incentives like teacher appreciation weeks and honest reflections from students are so valuable. They allow us a glimpse of what we have done to improve the world around us.

July 20th, 2023
Written by Mr Cardy, edited by Aaron Huang and Clarissa Oblefias
Image design by Daniel Zhang

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