On the 13th of February, the second day of Macleans’ annual preliminary athletics day was held over the first three periods of the day. With the sun shining brightly in the sky, the track and field events operated under the heat without any weather disruptions.

As with every year, the venues alternated with the girls out on the far field, competing in discus, javelin, shot put, the 200m sprint and for the most exceptional runners, a 1500m run.

Meanwhile, the boys were on the main field, putting their explosiveness and endurance to the test with the 100m sprint, high jump, long jump and 800m run.

Throughout the preliminary rounds of athletics day, students bonded over the fierce competition for the much-desired house shields and their whānau camaraderie. Year 11 student Scott Srisuwannaket commented, 

“I really liked athletics day because I love seeing my friends and I participate in events and cheering for my house”.

For the Year 13 students, this day also held special significance as they competed alongside their peers one last time. Many students shared a bittersweet sentiment, including Rutherford student Kevin Xing who reflected on the day: “It’s hard to believe it’s over. I’m sad to leave it all behind but the memories of cheering each other on every year will stay with me forever.”

Thank you to the teachers who played a role in making the event possible and congratulations to our exceptional athletes who will be competing at the finals at Lloyd Elsmore in their respective events.

24th February, 2025
Written by Aaron Huang edited by Chiron Yung and Emma Li
Photography by Joseph Zhang, Emma Li and Kanishk Soni

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