Many of us were forced to pick up the piano, violin, or viola when we were younger. Our parents wanted us to do something new, but many of us have since dropped out of that “hobby.” Being forced to practise by your parents every day for at least twenty minutes or so, when you really just wanted to go outside and play with your friends; just for you to never play again once you hit high school.

The truth is, instruments aren’t all that bad. There’s much more to the piano, violin, or viola, than just boring scales and monotone pieces that hold zero meaning to you. Playing an instrument can be fun, or even soothing after a long day. Imagine playing your own music, from either a beloved franchise, show or game – the amount of sheet music on the internet is endless, and no matter what instrument you play, you will not run out of options.

The benefits of an instrument go beyond just pure enjoyment, there’s also a scientific aspect to it as well. For example, playing an instrument can improve brain function, refine your motor skills, and improve your memory – all things you need as a student. There’s a thing in our brains called Executive Function (EF); increased EF helps a person process and retain information faster. Being able to read and process inking on scores is also a learned skill after lots of experience with instruments.

Another fun aspect of playing a musical instrument is the opportunity to play in a group, band, or orchestra. At Macleans College, we have four main groups to play in, two of which are premier groups. Hearing and creating harmony with you and your friends can be a great joy to many. And for the extra cherry on top, Macleans offers inexpensive music lessons for all! Now, how about the next time Dr. Miles posts a daily notice you put your foot forward? It’s never too late to try something new.

13th September, 2024
Written by Emma Li, edited by Aaron Huang and Hope Zhang
Photo by Megs Harrison on Unsplash

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