On week five of term three, students of Macleans College were given a chance to participate in one of the best events in the entire school calendar. MASH week was back for 2024!

Make a Student Happy Week, better known as “the week where everyone sends and receives compliments,” is the student wellbeing event of the year. This year’s MASH Week, like in previous years, was a resounding success. It was perfectly timed before mocks and served as a way to encourage students to relax, unwind, practice gratitude and laugh with their friends before the hectic exam season ahead. 

“We mashed”

Shaan Vallabh

Monday saw students participate in a collective chalk art mural outside of the footpath in Hillary. This vibrant activity was ideated with the intention of spreading self-expression across one of the most crossed parts of the school. It served as a message board of optimism. Additionally, there were plenty of mascot hugs being given out to make sure that all students felt uplifted and safe.

On Wednesday lunchtime, a sausage sizzle was held out in the amphitheatre to enhance the week and also raise money for Youthline. In the end, a total of around $300.00 was fundraised. 

Thursday was jam-packed with fun activities. Mountains of compliments were handed out between houses, providing students a chance to practice appreciation, they were given out during form time. Students were also given the opportunity to wear mufti in exchange for a gold coin donation towards house charities. 

Jump Jam was held in the gym and a buzzing afterschool social was held in Mansfield House from 4:30 to 6:00. The atmosphere was electric at the lunchtime jump jam event as students were able to dance the stress away to nostalgic songs such as ‘Call Me Maybe’. 

​​” I danced, I laughed, I mashed with so many of my peers.”

Nethra Tenakoon

Friday saw the long-awaited clash between staff and prefects in a tense match of speedball. It was undoubtedly the highlight of the entire week with crowds of many enthusiastic supporters and created a true sense of school pride. The game was charged with competitive spirit and resulted in a 3 : 3 point tie despite both teams’ strategic efforts and planning. 

“I’m really happy with how it ran, It went well and I’m glad we were able to fundraise money for Youthline” – Damien Hollins

Overall, the week saw a huge boost in student positivity and morale. A huge thank you to the prefects that made this week possible and good luck to all students with upcoming exams!

13th September, 2024
Written by Amelia Hu, edited by Aaron Huang and Emma Li
Photos by Macleans College News Committee

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