Ending this year’s series of carnivals with a bang was Upham and Snell House, who collaborated to host the much-anticipated Cool Cats Carnival last Friday. 

As always, the carnival featured a variety of carnival classics such as KFC, pizza, doughnuts and a diverse selection of baked treats. However, this year’s carnival also included several unique offerings that highlighted the entrepreneurial and creative spirits of the students involved in organising the event.

Outside of the Snell Commons was a human billboard, wowing the crowds of passing students with his exceptional spinning skills while marketing Snell’s sausage sizzles. This marketing strategy proved to be a massive success, with the outside of Snell Commons being flooded by students lining up to purchase the highly popular sausage sizzles.

In addition to the traditional carnival delights, Upham also featured a couple of innovative stalls that broke the carnival status quo, selling unique products to the sea of students eager to spend their money. This included two entirely student-operated stalls selling an array of colourful, crocheted accessories and decorations as well as gourmet hamburgers featuring premium ingredients. Both stalls were a hit among students they brought about a refreshing burst of creativity to the carnival.

Although the Cool Cats Carnival only featured food stalls this year, the students involved certainly brought about several bold ideas that allowed the carnival to be truly special and a day to remember for the students.

Snell House Executive Jason Dong commented, “The carnival was a great success. The exec team is very happy to have been able to put up an event to entertain our peers while raising a substantial amount of money for a good cause”.

23rd August 2024
Written by Aaron Huang, edited by Emma Li
Photography by Stella Wu and Kanishk Soni

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