Three groups of Macleans students recently participated in the Model United Nations Assembly held at Rosmini College in the past week. The groups were able to engage with delegates of other countries and make decisions such as reaffirming the remits that the United Nations encourages members of the G20 to address the climate crisis as well as establishing a commission for the conduct of nations in space. 

Each country was extremely well represented with some schools sourcing cultural clothing (extra special shout out to the UK, with an impressive costume change during the second day). 

The students representing Macleans College included the following:

Ecuador: Mabel Zhang, Annabelle Harrison, Amelia Hu

Tonga: Leo Mamedov, Amber Ho, Aaron Huang

Poland: Cecilia Ma, Behrad Etemadipour, Mika Ramsing

Day one consisted of a warm welcome and introduction of the new Secretary General (MP Shanan Halbert) and lively discussions over remits. At the end of the day, the delegates decided to reaffirm the remit to address climate action and to confirm the UN’s commitment to equality of women despite an almost unanimous vote that involved cutting the speeches short. 

“It was amazing because I got to work with my team mates to create something unique. We became closer friends in the process”

– Behrad Etemadipour, Delegate of Poland, MUNA 2024

Day two saw debates and speeches over the last two remits regarding sovereignty and space exploration. Following this was an extremely insightful and empowering speech from Hon. Chris Carter who served as a UN ambassador to Afghanistan and later, Myanmar. He shared moments from his time working for the UN, his time as a politician and words of encouragement for “the future generation of changemakers”. 

Although it was a formal event, the two days did not lack humour. From the removal of Columbia as chair of the UN to giving bribes gifts to the Secretary General, all of the students had an amazing time. It was a great chance for everyone to connect with like-minded students who were also into politics, the UN charter and those who may go on to work in social advancement and policy making. 

This event proved to be one to remember for all the students involved…

“I really enjoyed my time at MUNA and its openness to more sensitive topics being discussed while also allowing room for some joke POIs and rights of reply” 

– Aaron Huang, Delegate of Tonga, MUNA 2024

“[My] favourite part of MUNA was meeting new people… I also enjoyed the guest speaker a lot as it brought invaluable insight into my life!”

– Behrad Etemadipour, Delegate of Poland, MUNA 2024

This year the event saw a record number of 105 teams participating from across the North Island. 

A huge thank you to Mrs Heeney and Rotary for organising the logistics behind this event.  

Left to right: Delegates of Tonga, Delegates of Poland, Delegates of Ecuador

Friday 7th of June

Written by Amelia Hu, edited by Aaron Huang

Photos courtesy of Rotary NZ

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