On Monday, May 13th, the A-Level Economics embarked on a trip to the Waitakere Reservoir all the way in Henderson Valley, Auckland. The trip, facilitated by Watercare, acted as an opportunity for students to apply classroom microeconomic theory such as local and central government impact on core business activities as well as market structures to the real world.

The day started with an interactive exercise for students to build their very own makeshift water filters out of tubes and several materials like cotton, bark, sand and many more. Students had a blast as the exercise fostered innovation and problem-solving while also preluding to other aspects the tour had in store.

Afterwards, the friendly tour guides from Watercare took students around the site, allowing them to learn about the features of the reservoir as well as how Watercare supplies around 400 million litres of drinking water daily, from the filtration process to testing or monitoring the water and the care that goes into the maintenance of the reservoir. Conversations erupted throughout the tour with many excited students delving into conducting economic analyses on the reservoir and Watercare’s services.

Moreover, the site of the reservoir also doubled as a scenic hiking trail, which allowed students to immerse themselves in New Zealand’s nature, walking past Kauri trees and battling uphills to witness serene, natural landscapes.

As the trip drew to a close, students headed back to Macleans, still buzzing with excitement from the trip. Students returned to school with a fresh perspective on how theoretical economics within textbooks and slideshows all intersected with the real world.

“It was awesome to explore Aotearoa’s beautiful forests and native plants and learn about how the public sector supplies our water!” A Level Economics student, Christina Wang commented.

24th May, 2024
Written by Aaron Huang, edited by Emma Li
Photography by Mr Askin and Aaron Huang

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