2023 has been a wild year for all of us. Even with the floods and strikes, Macleans College has never failed to disappoint with the events presented by students and teachers alike. Come along now as we rewind through this year’s events.
- Cross Country

We all know of the infamous cross country that occurs annually, as every single student from every single year level is forced to participate in the rigorous run. It continues to be a Macleans classic, for years and years on end.
- Athletics Day

Athletics Day was held much earlier in the year as an event usually used to garner house spirit and pride. Like cross country, it’s another annual sports event that everyone has to participate in. There were three days of athletics, as boys and girls switched from activities. The Athletics finals were held at the Lloyd Elsmore Centre, where the energy was much higher than the preliminary rounds.
- Small House Choir

Every single year, the eight houses of Macleans College put up their best musical talent, singers and musicians alike, and pit them up against each other to see whose voice will come out on top. This year, the mighty Kupe House won Small House Choir with their mashup of Stan Walker songs.
- House Sport

House sport has always been a very prevalent thing across Macleans. The majority of students sit down at their house assembly every Tuesday, and hear their house leader talk about how it’s either football, netball or dodgeball and how they’re expected to show up. Students fiercely fought for points and wins, while their fellow house members cheered them on.
- Talent Quest

Talent Quest has always been a banger here at Macleans College. We have almost three thousand students with immense talent and speciality within them. This year, the group ‘The Fingers and The Blows’ took out first place with their iconic performance of ‘Never Gonna Give You Up” by Rick Astley.
- Make-A-Student-Happy (MASH) Week
Held one week before mock exams, Make-A-Student-Happy week barely needs an explanation. This event is often held to lift the student body’s spirit in an effort to keep them going during mock exams and is used to support the mental well-being of the pupils here at Macleans. After all, the speech made by Joshua Leevers promoting MASH week certainly lifted many people’s hearts.
- Intercultural Food Festival

Here at Macleans College, we have a diverse range of cultures throughout the student body. In order to celebrate and appreciate everyone here, the Intercultural Committee organised a special event for everyone to connect over delicious food.
- Youth Week

In Week 4 of Term 2, the Howick Youth Council organised Youth Week at Macleans College. Students engaged in diverse activities such as letter writing, colouring, Kahoot quizzes, leaving supportive messages on a mural, and enjoying the complimentary hot chocolate. All the events aligned with this year’s theme ‘Leaders of Tomorrow? Leaders for Today!’ The Student Council, overseen by school prefects and Howick Youth Council members ensured that everything ran smoothly.
- Year 11 Picnic Day

After the Year 11 cohort faced their first round of dead-serious exams, they were given the great opportunity to truly relax and hang out with their friends during Picnic Day. Even though many of them had fun sliding around in the water or jumping ropes, at the end of the day, house pride will forever be on the line. So, there was a final tug-of-war challenge between houses and ultimately, 11CLSH took the win.

- Macleans College News Committee
Last but not least, the Macleans College News Committee! Our entire club has been working hard all year, scurrying around like rats for photos, editing up and down in our articles, and making sure every event runs smoothly. We would like to thank everyone for their continued support, and will continue to strive to up the castle in 2024!

5th December, 2023
Written by Emma Li (Youth Week summary written by Amelia Hu), edited by Aarong Huang and Amelia Hu
Photography by Nathan Rao, Joseph Zhang, Daniel Hulley, Kanishk Soni and Emma Li