Unity and cultural diversity shone brightly as students, teachers, and staff came together for the Flag Pageant.

During the school assembly, both students and teachers proudly represented their cultural identities, coming together to celebrate the school’s rich multiculturalism through a captivating ‘flag parade’, reminiscent of the grandeur seen at the Commonwealth Games’ opening ceremony.

Flag bearers with the Principal Mr Hargreaves, Deputy Principal Ms Tuialii, and ICC Executives

Organised by Ms. Tuialii and supported by Mrs. Hoshino and ICC Executives (Shafquat Tabeeb, Lily Kim, Allan Han, Cecilia Ma, Leo Mamedov), we witnessed an astonishing display of over 65 flags from different nations, emphasising the diverse and inclusive community within the school.

As the flag pageant drew to a close, a moment of unity was created when the Macleans College, Māori, and Aotearoa flags were hosted, and all students and staff stood together, singing the National anthem. This touching moment symbolised the unification of the entire school community under the banner of these flags, fostering a sense of togetherness and pride in our collective heritage.

This remarkable celebration was a great continuation of last year’s Flag Pageant, and the ICC Executives enthusiastically look forward to organizing another extraordinary and inclusive event next year.

Written by Cecilia Ma & Allan Han, edited by Shafquat Tabeeb
Photography by Joseph Zhang and Daniel Hulley

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