Mansfield House was rushed to be opened in 1984 due to the large increase in the school’s roll at the time. The classroom and buildings were placed down by helicopters and didn’t get an actual renovation until 2019, when it was reopened by a former house captain. 

The house colour of Mansfield is purple, a colour closely associated with royalty and wealth, showcasing a high status. In ancient history, it was a colour worn by the nobles and the royals, as it was expensive to craft and was only offered to the top of the top. Purple is a colour that represents wisdom, luxury, ambition, and creativity. It showcases power and achievement, like their colossal steal at Cross Country this year.

“Purple is a colour that means royalty to me.”

-Year 9 Mansfield Student

Macleans College always names its houses after prominent people in New Zealand, and Mansfield is no different. Named after the famous short-story writer Kathleen Mansfield Murry, Mansfield was regarded as the best short story writer of her time. 

Born in 1888 as Kathleen Beauchamp, Mansfield grew up to be a writer since she was young. Her stories first made it to Wellington’s Girl’s College Magazine, and then Mansfield moved to London where she continued to pursue her talent. After two years, she moved back to New Zealand where she continued to write even more short stories. She took on the pen name of Katherine Mansfield. Even after death, her stories continued to be translated into twenty-six different languages for everyone to read.

If you haven’t noticed, Mansfield House has been lodging a small puppy named Leah. Leah is being trained to become a guide dog for blind people, assisting in their day-to-day life. Mansfield House usually gives annual donations to guide dog foundations and charities, to the people who help dogs like Leah.

Mansfield House and its colour represents royalty and power, as shown by its achievements throughout house sport this year. Long live Mansfield!

29th June, 2023
Emma Li
Photography by Kanishk Soni

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