Howick Youth Council members Kelly Yan (middle) and Danna Liu (right) brought Youth Week to Macleans College. Left: Mabel Zhang, photographer and member of the Howick Youth Council

In Week 4 of Term 2, the Howick Youth Council organised an event at Macleans College known as Youth Week. Student members of the council, with the aid of a few school prefects, carried out the event.

Members of the council who ran the events during the week included Kelly Yan and Danna Liu (both from Te Kanawa).

The theme of Youth Week was ‘Leaders of Tomorrow? Leaders for Today!’ Activities around the school included letter writing, colouring, and Kahoot quizzes for all the students to enjoy.

To begin the week, students wrote letters to their future selves during form time. The activity encouraged goal-setting and reflection in conjunction with reinforcing the theme of leadership.

Students were also encouraged to leave positive messages on a message mural outside of Hillary House throughout the week. By the end of the week, the mural was full of colourful notes stacked onto each other.

On Tuesday, students took part in a Kahoot quiz about leadership and leaders of the world such as Martin Luther King Jr and Kate Sheppard. The quiz was enjoyable, with a high-stakes final round of double points by the end.

A colouring-in activity was also available to any student wanting to take some time away from the stress of upcoming exams and simply indulge in self-care. Held in the Art Block, Art Club students joined the activity, colouring in blank pictures of turtles, butterflies, and dragonflies to their heart’s content.

To finish off the week, students were told to bring in their own mugs and cups to receive a warm drink of hot chocolate on Thursday morning. The event aimed to encourage conversation and new connections between students as they sipped their warm cups in the cold winter morning.

We created these events with the hope that we would help to energise the youth and inspire them to collectively seize leadership opportunities that come their way.

Kelly Yan, Howick Youth Council member, on the theme of Youth Week

Many thanks to the Howick Youth Council and the students involved for their dedication to the event, giving up their time for the various events around the school to make it happen. We hope to see it return next year.

May 20th, 2023
Clarissa Oblefias

Check out the Howick Youth Council and their social media pages below:

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